
Pennsylvania can do better than...

Pennsylvania can do better than Senator Rick Santorum by electing Bob Casey. Santorum is hypocritical on life issues pushing a big business agenda against mesothelioma victims and has a complete misunderstanding of civil justice in the U.S. Even worse, Santorum is a total hypocrite on medical malpractice.

Bob Casey however has a much more consistent life ethic and is widening the big tent of Democrats. He's the kind of Senator Pennsylvania and many of us need and one that the Center for a Just Society and you should to fully support. Donate to Bob Casey

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Society Seeks Justice & Crosses Political Lines

Center for a Just Society is a public policy group that looks to seek justice while taking political positions that cross traditional party lines. Readers may recognize my feeling that one party can ignore the dignity of life and civil justice, while another overemphasizes privacy rights to the detriment of life. I criticized efforts on mesothelioma legislation as unjustly limiting the rights of the dying and gun advocates who claim to be pro-life. Thus, I'm enthusiastic about the Center for a Just Society especially after reading Preserving the Right to Trial by Jury and its article explaining The Social Purpose of Tort Law.

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